The Second our World was Turned Upside Down

Created by Courtney 13 years ago
The doctor came in and told us that it looked like Kory had already passed the stone. We were relieved, then the doctor looked at us and said, "But that's not all, we found something else." (Kory later told me that those four words, "We found something else," felt like a death sentence.) He explained that the scan showed a mass sitting on top of Kory's right adrenal gland. He gave us the name of a urologist and told us to make an appointment with him so he could do further tests and discuss with us his plans for treatment. I called the urologist and made an appointment for the next day. We met with the urologist and he scheduled Kory for some lad tests and another CT this time they were going to inject some dye into his veins and this would hopefully tell us whether the mass was malignant or benign. However we were told that no matter what it had to be removed.