Tests, Tests, and More Tests

Created by Courtney 13 years ago
The new CT results were finally in. We sat impatiently waiting to hear Kory's name called by a nurse. (We always laughed about all the "old people" in the waiting room with us. The sad thing is most, if not all, of those "old people" out-lived him.) Finally we heard "Kory Boudreaux" we got up and walked to the back. The doctor came in and explained the CT results to us. He told us that they could not tell for sure whether it was malignant or benign. He did tell us though, that the mass caused a condition called Cushing's Syndrome. Basically the mass was producing massive amounts of cortisol which is the reason he gained so much weight in such a short period of time. (I was later told that his body was producing so much cortisol that if the same amount was injected into me or you; it would kill us.) The urologist referred us to a surgeon that he thought could help. After meeting with the surgeon; surgery was scheduled for October 12th. He then had to get more blood work and various other tests done to be cleared for surgery. (In one of his facebook posts he said, "Getting tests run to make sure I'm well enough for surgery. Seems weird.)So the tests were done and surgery set, all that we could do is wait and worry.