Important People

Created by Courtney 13 years ago
I just feel like I need to mention some of the important people that were in Kory's life. Aunt Gail/Nanny (or as the girls would say Anny) I remember standing in the kitchen next to you on the day Kory died and I could hear you saying over and over "Not him too," and that's when it hit me. You have had to endure more loss in your life than anyone should but you held it together when nobody would have blamed you for falling apart and for that I admire you. Kory always said you are one of the most caring people he knew, and I agree. Darryl AKA Parran Kory always hoped to one day make you proud, when you said at his funeral that you were proud of him it made me smile because I was glad to hear he had succeeded. You two would butt heads often and Kory always said it was because you guys were too much alike. He said you both had the "Boudreaux attitude." Donna I know I already said this but you are an amazing woman for opening your house and heart to Kory. I'm so happy that you were there for him on the day of his surgery and he was too.